Trade Round-Up: Jessica Simpson To Wear Daisy Dukes

· Stroke of genius or buzz-negating, stunt-casting disaster? Semi-musical block of wood Jessica Simpson will play Daisy Duke in the Dukes of Hazzard movie, alongside the already-cast Johnny Knoxville and Seann William Scott. Sure, she can fill out a pair of cutoffs, but for the love of God, someone please keep her away from the flaming arrows. [THR]
· Eternally classy, rootin' tootin' studio-headin' brothers Harvey and Bob Weinstein reconsider their split from Disney after CEO Michael Eisner's departure announcement. [THR]
· All Eisner, all the time: Former Disney board members Roy E. Disney and Stanley Gold (the masterminds) predictably demand that he step down sooner, instead of his leisurely 2006 exit date. And they're on to Eisner's Apprentice-like plans for the next two years, warning the board of "Eisner's brazen attempt to usurp your responsibilities as directors by stage-managing the appointment of his anointed successor." We hope he picks Kwame! [THR]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas XVII: Lovable The O.C. dork Adam Brody will help McG produce a Revenge of the Nerds remake for Fox Searchlight. Brody should know by now that the nerds have already won. [Variety, sub, req'd.]
· Jennifer Garner dumpee Scott Foley gets a development deal at 20th Century Fox, where he will try to drown the thought of Ben Affleck groping his ex-wife in television success. [THR]