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The View From Here blog finds a Kabbalah Centre press release revealing that not only does the Centre have a thriving magical water and red string retailing business and an uncanny knack for drawing hollow-eyed celebrity followers, they've got designs on solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. TVFH chides the Israeli politicians who are participating in the event and notes that their publicist could have used a proofreader: "I understand that Ehud Olmert's and Tzachi Hanegbi's names might be a bit difficult to spell, but they could have at least spelled Donna Karan's name correctly. Great spelling on Druze and Sufi as well."

September 19, 2004 will be an historic day for peace and unity. For the first time in history Palestinian and Israeli children, who have spent years separated by hate, prejudice, and fear, are coming together in Israel to say, "STOP, we've had enough, now it is OUR turn to be HEARD!" [...]

Joining [Kabbalah Centre guru] Michael Berg for this monumental event will include political and social leaders: Shimon Peres, Silvan Shalom, Sachi Hanegbi, and Eaud Olmart as well as high-profile celebrities such as Madonna, Guy Ritchie, and Donna Karen and many others. Hosted by Dan Shilon, the evening will include speeches from Madonna; Elies Jabol, a Christian Arab who is the head of House and Hope and peace agreement leader in the Middle East; Shiek Manasra, a Soufe Sheik and Sheik Abulrocan, a Drues Sheik.

And if that dazzling star power isn't enough to make everyone lay down their car bombs, rocks and tear gas cannisters, they're going to fly in Demi, Ashton, and Britney to finish it off. Never underestimate the peacemaking powers of Red Bull and Cheetos.