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A reader submits this report of the "anti-piracy protest" from all the way in Toronto. We imagine that the audience was largely Canadian (despite the many Hollywood functionaries covering the festival), and given that our neighbors to the north are bred to be reflexively, painfully polite, we consider this mini-protest a major coup. Unfortunately, there was no "Manny Perry Makes Movies" propaganda PSA to ridicule, but we learned long ago we can't have everything we want:

Last night at the Toronto Film Festival "Midnight Madness" screening of Ghost in the Shell 2: The Innocence, programmer Colin Geddes read out an anti-piracy warning for audience members. A single pirate "Arrrrr" was heard from the audience. Tonight I will join in.

As a special bonus, here's another "Who Makes Movies?" parody. This one offers the oft-neglected perspective of the in-theater, guerrilla cameraman, upon whose head the MPAA has placed a bounty, and without whom we'd likely never get to watch Anacondas spread out across the majesty of our computer monitor.