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All of this recent talk of Pamela Anderson's anti-KFC campaign for PETA is having some fairly foreseeable, yet obviously unintended, consequences, as a reader finds that the publicity has reactivated her jones for the Colonel's torture victims:

That Pamela Anderson anti-KFC ad seems to be working really well....for KFC! I usually don't think about KFC and how good it is, especially since it isn't the most convenient or cheapest fast food to pick up, but DAMN... having to read these stories about how cruelly those chickens are treated puts those greasy, delicious drumsticks on my brain. That shit is so good, I can't get drive through and not eat it while I'm driving. No...not even if a car full of hot guys is staring at me at a stoplight while I try to shift, eat and talk on the phone. Thanks Pamela...I've had KFC twice this week.

We believe it was philosopher/bon vivant Paris Hilton who once said, "The only bad publicity is no publicity. How does my ass look in night-vision?"