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The Jewlicious blog reports a Madonna Jerusalem. Looks like she's making good on her promise to spend the coming Rosh Hashanah holiday in Israel, selling magical bottles of water and red string bracelets (and probably some incense to balance her inventory) from a dirty blanket on the sidewalk.

My friend Tzvi reported the first Madonna sighting of the Holiday season. Just after midnight last night he was stepping out of the home of an actual kabbalist in the old city he saw a man and woman walking down Rehov Shonei Halachot. The woman, dressed in layered, flowey [sic] Israeli-hippy style dress, was clearly recognized as the Material-turned-Spiritual Girl herself as she passed him by. The man seemed to be a body guard. They were, we think, on the way to the Kotel to pray.

If Jerusalem's residents would like to avoid an uncomfortable encounter with Madonna and the Kabbalah Centre crew, we recommend they hide out in that "actual kabbalist's" place. There's no way they'll go anywhere near it.