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In an interview with British talk show host Michael Parkinson, Tom Cruise once again proves that asking him questions about Scientology will trigger the "study tech" that involuntarily makes him deny that there's anything untoward about his devotion to all things L. Ron Hubbard. In fact, the very idea that people think there's anything weird about Scientology is completely ludicrous:

Michael: When you talk about Scientology you're used to the response you get, that you're some kind of nutcase, some kind of lunatic fringe religion thing.

Tom: Used to the response? I mean, that's bigotry! That's the religious equivalent to racism.

Michael: I mean it's what people say.

Tom: No, I think that's what they say to you, they don't say that to me. (Laughs)

Michael: I'm representing a point of view; it's not necessarily my point of view.

Tom: I think it's an uninformed point of view...

And don't worry, Cruise didn't miss an opportunity to get in a plug for his heterosexuality. Cruise's love for women is so strong that it can't even be stopped by death.

Michael: When you are back in your childhood before you took this journey. And that kid was looking at movies, I suppose, Errol Flynn, and that kind of stuff.

Tom: Casablanca! Have you all seen that? Beautiful movie, Ingrid Bergman, I was in love with her.