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In what is sure to result in a string of obvious breast jokes in the monologues of Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel, celebrity novelist/extreme silicone enthusiast Pamela Anderson has lent her image to a PETA-sponsored, anti-KFC billboard to be displayed in various major cities. Anderson and the PETA gang are four kinds of whooped up about KFC's treatment of chickens, which the fast-food chain insists on killing and converting into the crispy delights that we can only bring ourselves to eat when grievously drunk. The billboards are supposedly going up today in L.A., so if you happen to pass by one and have your digital camera handy, we'd love to see some pictures. It's unlikely to be the monument that the "Blowjob Over Sunset" was, but then again, there's a chance that Pam might fellate a rooster if it was for the greater animal good.