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In a letter to the editor in Variety, [Ed.note—Variety prints those? Who knew?] an "aspiring writer" responds to a Brian Lowry column about a Bravo show searching for undiscovered sitcom writers and defends his right to be humiliated on reality television if the payoff is a writing gig:

Lowry is correct that reality shows take advantage of their contestants by molding the "reality" to suit the storytelling. But, all editing can really do is amplify traits that are already there. So, if you come off as an idiot or an a**hole on a reality show, odds are you really are one, at least to a certain degree. As a struggling writer, would I be willing to have my least-favorite character traits magnified on television in exchange for the chance to get ahead at what I love to do?


Because, I don't care if you think I'm an a**hole — as long as the WRITING gets its fifteen minutes of fame.

It should be noted that the letter writer willing to look like an asshole "to get ahead" is also described as a "talent manager." We're floored.