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Following this morning's eye-opening Vincent Gallo news, here's another reader report about being surprised that a celebrity didn't punch someone in the face and run out on his bar tab exclaiming, "Don't you people know who I am?" A post Late Late Show Craig Kilborn puts his trademark smarmy smirk away for a contemplative, solitary drink not far his old offices at CBS Television City:

Wednesday night I was at Dime on Fairfax. I noticed Craig Kilborn sitting right next to me a the bar, unshaven and alone. It looked like his decision to leave The Late Late Show was taking its toll. When he ordered a drink I told the bartender on the sly that I would pay for it. When she delivered the drink and informed him that I had already taken care of it, he gave me a heartfelt handshake and a "I appreciate that."

I've never really been a fan of his show, I always found him rather smug. But he was humble, nice to the bar staff and seemed like a good guy. He did, however, seem a little out of it and bewildered. I think he'll do okay once he leaves the show, but I sensed a high level of worry and confusion on his face.

It's always something of a relief to discover that Celebrities are Just Like Us. Really, the only difference between us and Kilborn is that we're fretting about our future and getting shitfaced alone in front of a computer monitor instead of a bar. Excuse us for a moment while we go door-to-door to ask if one of our neighbors will pretend to buy us a drink.

[Photo: Brentwood Magazine]