At the outset of this Week Of Hell, we totally intended to invade some convention soirees. But then we realized that Republicans are super boring, we had little chance of getting near the Bush twins, and Scrubs was premiering. Thankfully, the folks over at the Black Table did our job for us and crashed a right-wing fiesta. Seriously, they took one for the team:

12:13: Number of appetizers Greg snags as waiters walk by: 14. Number of high-ranking Republicans he knows: 0

12:30: Times reporter reveals that his source for the Meet-up event was Shaggy. Shaggy thinks he has done just fine here and continues twirling Anastasia around while Andy snaps photos. Meanwhile, Max Weinberg is the only VIP in sight.

Let's give them a hand, shall we? They verified what we all suspected: GOP shit is boring.

Dude, Where's My Pen? Crashing The Republicans' Party [Black Table]