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A quick note on yesterday's reader report, in which we used the omnipresence of Uggs in Chicago to shame L.A.'s boot-whores into giving up their furry pimps: While we now have enough material to compose the treatise In Defense Of The Very Fashionable City of Chicago's Early Adoption Of Hideous Trends, such matters do not concern us. If our correspondent was indeed describing the scene in the suburbs (as many of you theorized), it should give even the staunchest Los Angeles Ugg-lover pause.

There are more pressing concerns. The Mukluks are closer than ever.

Another correspondent writes of her experience in NYC, where she spotted the coming evil of Mukluks preparing their even more ridiculously furry, tassled, and utility-free invasion of our fair city:

I was in New York this weekend for the protests err... march against George W. Bush, but before that I went shopping. Hello priorities! I was in Century 21, and there in the middle of the boots section were not one, not two, but three different types of Mukluk boots. There were the more Ugg-like flat versions, but there were also heeled varieties. I chuckled and walked on to other non-sherpa like boots. While in the store, I noticed many women trying on the Mukluks. Most of them were of the young, hipster, Williamsburg (redundant?) variety. you know they were wearing trucker hats just a few years ago.

There's still time! Quickly, open the windows of your offices and empty the contents of your purses onto the sidewalk. You'll thank us in a month.