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Adam Perry Lang has been on the foodie circuit for quite some time, with stints at Le Cirque, Daniel, and Chanterelle. Finally having had enough of serving socialities who'd merely pick at their food, Adam opened Daisy May's BBQ. After the jump, Adam tells us about his food, originating in some place called "the South." How very quaint!

Age: 34
Location: Manhattan
Occupation: Co-Owner and Executive Chef, Daisy May s BBQ

1. You worked at Le Cirque, Daniel and Chanterelle before opening Daisy May's BBQ. Did you always have this passion for southern food or spend some time
cooking below the Mason-Dixon line?

I have always had a passion for Barbecue but no greater then other types of cuisine. I love all types of food and the different personalities and stories that come with it's preparation. I worked at Le Cirque, Daniel and Chanterelle because I love French cuisine and the foundation that comes with it. I also had an enormous amount of respect for the chefs and cooks I worked with. I found a similar respect for BBQ
when cooking in New Mexico. They were primarily self taught, from Texas, and took cooking very seriously.

2. There's an annual BBQ festival in New York now which may surprise some. How has the BBQ scene grown here since you've been a part of it?

I have never been a scene person or ever considered being part of a "BBQ Scene". I think there is some great barbecue in Manhattan and that it will only get better. One thing about barbecue, which I think is great, is that it's very personal with many styles to be a fan of. I opened Daisy May's with the objective of touching upon a wide array barbecue differences that I enjoyed. I don't think any BBQ place could satisfy everyone. I cook to please myself.

3. The Meatpacking District is a certified catastrophe now. Are the Wild West 40's, where you're located, next?

Who knows? I didn't choose my location to be in the next hot area. I choose it so I could focus on my food and not the rent.

4. When it comes to BBQ, it's all about the sides, right?

I disagree, it is never, in my opinion, "all about" one aspect. Instead it's really "all about" the details.

5. Bill Clinton walks into your restaurant and says, "Bubba, I'm hungry." Please describe a meal fit for a King or ex-President.

I love everything I prepare and would have to feel him out first to see what he looks for in barbecue. I represent many different styles. I usually know after finding out his home-town favorites.

Adam Perry Lang s Top Five Hemingway Reads

I can read them over and over again and love them all equally. I feel guilty I can only write down five. These novels and stories had and still have a huge impact on me and how I approach life.

Movable Feast
The Old Man and the Sea
For Whom the Bell Tolls
To Have and Have Not
Winner Take Nothing

Andrew Krucoff and Chris Gage conduct a daily interview series for Gawker.