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LAist's Paul Davidson overhears some struggling actors engaging in near-identical conversations "at Swingers, a Beverly Drive newsstand, and Urth Cafe."

Her: I keep telling my agent I want in on those reality shows.

Him: You could so play a real person on TV.

Her: See, that's what I'm saying. I am such a real person.

As ironic as this exchange seems to those of us who aren't trying to "make it" in the business, we must wholeheartedly support "real" actors' efforts to play "real people" on reality TV. Most of these shows involve being stranded on an island, locked up in an Ikea-furnished house for months at a time, or dropped off a building in a Hummer, far from the congested coffee shops of Hollywood, where conversations just like this one make us endure interminable waits for our frappuccinos.