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Defamer is committed to bringing together Los Angeles area residents with potential companions. Today, we spotlight this Craiglist apartment listing to do our part in matching a lonely roommate-with-benefits seeker with his ideal, cash-strapped snuggle buddy.

Wouldn't it be nice if you found a quality guy to live with who is really down to earth, employed and fun to hang with? I'll keep this post short but basicall [sic]..., I do not have time to find a girl friend. This may be a strange way to go about it... However, I am incredibly sincere and really would like to live with a nice, attractive girl who's equally down to earth, fun and trustworthy. Also we'd HAVE to like each other very much because we're going to wind up sleeping in the same bed!... as odd as this sounds it really might work if we are compatible. I look forward to hearing from you.

And if you have a photo, that will definitely expedite matters.... not that looks are really that important, personality definitely is.

Tom Cruise"