Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

In this action-packed edition: Alan Cumming, Chris Robinson with Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn, Lenny Kravitz, Pharrel Williams, Seth Green, the Olsen twins, Natalie Portman, Rufus Wainwright, Amanda Lepore, Heather Juergenson, Randy Harrison, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Alicia Silverstone, Adrian Grenier, Meryl Streep, Janeane Garofolo, Sheryl Crow, Martha Stewart, Donna Karan, RonsonBots, Fernanda Niven, Steven Cocojaru, Mos Def, Parker Posey and Ryan Adams, Adam Goldberg and Christina Ricci, Top Model Shandi, Hugh Jackman, Billy Baldwin, John Ventimiglia and Steven Schirripa, Anne Hathaway, Benjamin Bratt, Anna Paquin, Jamie Lynn Spears and mom, Andy Richter, Liv Tyler, Dermot Mulroney, Joel Stein, Bob Balaban, Gideon Yago and Carlos D.

· Saw Alan Cumming at a LES bar my friend and I frequent this past Wednesday. He was pretty low key just being friendly and chatting with people, and with a few other younger guys. He was very polite and personable. My friend and I thought it would be awesome if we could get a picture of him for our cell phone backgrounds but when we asked - and before he could answer- the guys he was with very rudely exclaimed "UM NO". WHAT BITCHES!

· Almost ran right into Chris Robinson at Barneys. He was slightly grungy, dressed in all black with rocker-type shades on. He had one hand on the baby stroller, and with the other hand was chatting away on his cellphone while patiently watching wife Kate Hudson and mother-in-law Goldie Hawn (also had the big shades on) shopping for jewelry. All I kept thinking was "he has a lot of hair" - almost creepy in a way - think Cousin It.

· Lenny Kravitz strolling out of his apartment building, The Loft, on Crosby Street (the same one that the infamous Courtney Love resides in - should have stopped to ask the doorman if they are amicable neighbours) with an adorable, smallish black dog. He was wearing a taupe button down and well-worn jeans and sporting natural, untreated hair.

· Saw Pharrel Williams of N.E.R.D/Neptunes fame walking on Prince Street. He was quite tiny and had his arm around an equally petite cute girl. Now that I think of it I should have given him the star trek hand gesture, but I didnt.

· Seth Green was hanging outside of Kenny's Castaways dressed casually in a pair of jeans. He's suprisingly taller than I expected. I thought he was waiting for someone, but when I jogged back home about an hour later there were a number of girls outside gossiping about how he was inside the bar.

· Saw the Olsen twins eating (gasp) at Pastis on Sat night. Confirming last week's tip of a surprisingly round bottom on one of them.

· natalie portman dining at turkuaz on 100th and broadway with many a gay male. my crew left around midnight and she must have just arrived. the host sat her in the back corner. she looked fab. i'd also like to point out that i've now seen her twice in just as many months. but this time she wasn't on the popcorn line to see mean girls.

· I walked by Rufus Wainwright on St Marks between 2nd and 3rd. He's a lot taller than I expected; for some reason he always seemed elfin even when I've seen him perform on stage.

· I encountered Randy Harrison from "Queer as Folk" working out at Equinox on Lafayette. (Okay, so that's in NoHo, not the E. Village. Fucking shoot me already.) His personal trainer had him in the boxing ring spitting out jabs — my, how butch!

·Over the weekend I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal smoking a cig on the corner of 7th and Cooper Square. Neither her brother nor her hot bf Peter Sarsgaard were with her, goddammit.

· I saw Rufus Wainwright in the front row at the Dave Hill show at the Luna Lounge on Monday. He was looking really cute in a fishing cap and longsleeve t-shirt and seemed to be with a couple other cute boys. "America's #1 transsexual with a fully functioning vagina" Amanda Lepore was one of the guests. I saw Heather Juergensen from "Kissing Jessica Stein" in the crowd too, looking beautiful and smiley.

· Celeb sighting during lunch at that macrobiotic delight Souen on 13th. Alicia Silverstone was there literally stuffing her face with lettuce (not iceberg). Something tells me she's still scarred by not being able to fit into her Batgirl outfit back in the day. Her lip appeared to be less hairy than usual. She was with some guy - also looked slightly vegan.

·I almost shit my pants when I saw Adrian Grenier walking down Grand Street in Williamsburg (not the hip side of Grand by Bedford Avenue, it was the more ghetto Lorimer side). He was decked out in old-man immigrant gear — snug short shorts with no undies & dollar store flip flops. And thats it. Totally out of shape and hairy. Talking on is cell phone. Never understood why girls think hes so dreamy, total barfarma if you ask me.

· last night i was walking home to chelsea from a friend's house in the east village. i usually try to go west on 12 or 13 as a few weeks ago i saw issac mizarahi walking his dog. (I totally stopped him and said hi, he was beyond sweet and nice. love that) so i was innocently walking down 12 towards 5th avenue and meryl streep walks by me. she was walking her dog and i have to say she looks amazing. i mean totally radiant at 10 something at night. i turn and started walking up 5th to call my friend who's a big fan and then janeane garofalo and her boyfriend walk right by me. i'm a big fan of janeane's but i gotta say ever since she quit hitting the sauce and smoking cigs she looks frightening and anorexic. can someone give this girl something to eat? has she now gone vegan or something? she looks SCARY thin...and her hair is really short and just has all signs pointing to anorexia.

· while having a drink at BBAR i saw sheryl crow walking down lafayette with her dry cleaning. she look miserable.

· went to dinner at chanterelle and saw martha stewart dining with two other women. she was wearing a black linen outfit and sandals. i could hear her laugh a few times. each glance over revealed the women deep in conversation. at one point martha got up and returned moments later with a file under her arm. the conversation seemed to revolve around that... only about 20 minutes later the table left. what were they reading? curtain schemes for her jail cell, resumes for replacements, how to get out of any punishment... one can only guess.

· Saw Donna Karan last night at Cabana for Ashley Margolis' birthday, looking ridiculously slim and svelte. Can someone please tell me how the hell she lost that weight. I want to be on whatever she's been on! Fernanda Niven, the Ronson machines and Stephen what's-his-name Cajagoogoo [Steven Cocojaru] were there also.

· Last weekend I saw Mos Def leaving Daffy's on 18th street (I guess everyone loves a good designer bargain) with his 3 adorable kids, looking cool as usual. Though he never really mentions his offspring so I m wondering if that s just privacy issues or street cred concerns (since the mother isn t exactly um, Black on Both Sides ok that was a bad Mos Def album pun, I m sorry). I wish that I could report that I saw Chloe Sevigny wearing lederhosen while shopping at TJ Maxx but alas, no such luck

· I was walking along 10th Street by 1st Avenue this Sunday w/my husband. We were approaching a very thin young woman with pigtails in a way-too-cute, sort of country/maid halter top type of a thing. I actually whispered to my husband to check out her top as we were passing by, it was quite revealing and she filled it out very nicely even though she is uber skinny. My focus was not on her face and therefore she would have remained nameless had my husband not remarked that it was in fact Parker Posey. She was walking her small white dog, Gracie, and talking with two people that looked to be locals sitting on a stoop.

· Ryan Adams and Parker Posey were at the Landmark Sunshine at 6:50pm Sunday. They were basically wearing the same outfit-plaid cowboy like shirts and jeans. Parker looks a tad too thin; her hair looks great.

· Yesterday (Sunday 8/22) I crossed paths with lovebirds Adam Goldberg and Christina Ricci at the corner of 23rd and 8th. They were rather cute walking their dogs together and stuff, but sadly Christina looked visibly distraught and shaky behind her huge Jackie O sunglasses. Adam was trying to console her as they crossed the street from the southeast corner to the northeast one. His dog brushed against my leg in the process. Aww.

· Saw "America's Next Top Model" contestant Shandi last Friday the 20th, walking west on 9th St. bet. 2nd and 1st aves. She was walking with a scruffy looking guy, who seemed rather over dressed for the humid weather. Didn't look like the guy she cheated on while filming the show...

· Saw Hugh Jackman on Thursday evening in front of his theater. He was looking positively edible, wearing sexy jeans, a maroon t-shirt and red baseball hat.

· Saw Billy Baldwin Friday night walking along 81st & CPW. He was looking disasterous in a white t-shirt and poo-colored pants. Hair pulled back ponytail-style. Had I not known better, I would've mistaken him for a homeless guy and maybe even offered him money.

· Went to Schiller's (Why, god, I don't know) Saturday night when John Ventimiglia and Steven Schirripa of Sopranos fame (Better known as Artie Bucco and Bobby Bacala) came in an promptly hit the bar. Schirripa looked slightly smaller than on the show, but still like he had a few too many canoli, and Ventimiglia was decidedly un-Artie-like, sporting a rumpled white shirt and grey stubble on his face and bald head. Sopranos sightings in Manhattan are about as common as black-rimmed glasses on Bedford Ave, but I kinda felt bad for the pair — some B&T jackass in a polo shirt made his preteen daughter go up and ask for an autograph. There's just something about Manhattan in August that brings the B-list stars out for C-list food...

· I was trying to have a relaxed, outdoor dinner at NoHo Star, but as soon as my boyfriend and I sat down at our sidewalk table, we became aware of two things: The 4/5/6 train rumbling beneath us like a giant worm from "Tremors", and a very obnoxious yappy girl sitting nearby. I twisted around to glare, and it was Anne Hathaway, of the Princess Diaries, giving the most ENTHUSIASTIC interview EVER to a female with a tape recorder. Between train grumbles, I caught tidbits from Her Royal Highness like, "If I need to go downtown, I have options, you know? Eighth Avenue!", and "This is the age of Britney Spears!", and "It's like, totally the dream of finding a guy you're totally in love with! Totally the dream!" She was wearing a Le Tigre polo and lots of eyeliner. Her skin looked like death. Yet somehow, she was pretty endearing. At least more so than, say, Julia Stiles, who makes me wanna dry heave every time she kisses someone onscreen. And on that irrelevant, vicious note, I'm done.

· Benjamin Bratt (actor and former boyfriend of Julia Roberts) in the CVS at 13th and 6th, buying A LOT of diapers and other items. He ended up buying a lot and had some trouble carrying all the bags out with him, but I was far too hungover to help him.

· I saw Anna Paquin and a friend shopping at Foley and Corinna on Stanton St.

· In Bendel's for the big sale, smirking at some HORRIBLE mini skirts from Roberto Cavalli - think day-glo meets prep school. A girl pranced over to the skirts and started absolutely gurgling over them - I almost turned and told her, for the love of christ, don't buy that skirt, when lo and behold it was Jamie Lynn Spears - looking just like her sister, chin fat and baby zits to boot. She called her mom over, and I had to run into the dressing room before I shouted "you spawned Britney!" out of total shock. Or, you know, I could be a total loser for recognizing Jamie Lynn Spears and mom.

· Was at the Barneys Warehouse Sale on Friday afternoon and spotted a running-shoe clad Andy Richter trying on sport coats. In the Year 2000...everyone still loves a bargain.

· Last week saw Liv Tyler having lunch with some regular looking girlfriends at Le Pain Quotidien on 19th. She looked beautiful as always and pregnant and tall.

· On an F-train commute from Brooklyn, I poked my girlfriend and pointed at a scruffy-faced dude sitting on an inside seat: "Hey look, it's the poor man's Dermot Mulroney." When a seat cleared up, she sat next to him, when we realized it really was the no-longer-Young Gun himself (and I thought he was Living in Oblivion, not Brooklyn). He was reading Olympics coverage in the Times, dressed in a casual grey shirt and jeans, managed to balance his coffee on his knee, and had the phlegm-iest sounding morning cough that helped tip us off that it was his voice. He exited at Broadway-Lafayette, as if you even cared.

· Spotted unfunny Entertainment Weekly columnist and ubiquitous pop culture pundit Joel Stein having lunch at BLT Steak in midtown this afternoon. He is an example of how it does NOT actually make anyone feel good when the irritating, nerdy underdog with chronic upper respiratory issues grows up to be "successful."

· Saw Bob Balaban today outside of Banana Republic on Fifth Ave and 16th. He was talking and grimacing into a cel phone but otherwise looks just like he does in movies.

· Saw Gideon Yago on Avenue A and 4th with a pretty girl on Friday. They were staring at something. A few hours later, I saw Carlos D power-walking down Rivington street.