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What's it going to take finally to convince L.A.'s most fashion-damaged residents to cast their Ugg boots into the streets and free themselves of their ridiculous, furry shackles? How about the trend trickling down to a pro-wrestling Anaheim!

Last night, wrestler-turned-subpar-action-movie-star "The Rock" turned up on WWE wrestling, which was broadcasting from the Pond in Anaheim (he makes appearances whenever he can be bothered...). The appearance was pretty much unremarkable, except Rock was wearing Ugg boots. And wound up wrestling in Ugg boots.

Here's your chance: Sell your Uggs to a WWE fan, so we can see them dangling from the rearview mirror of a Ford F150 in two weeks. You've been warned. Besides, you've got to clear out the bottom of your closets to make room for the new Mukluk evil.