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The newly-appointed Defamer correspondent on Profoundly Evil Mutations In Already Nauseating Fashion Trends gives us a ten-day warning about the impending fashion doom that are Mukluk boots. Think Ugg boots but worse in every conceivable way: hairier, uglier, and nonsensically adorned with pom poms. With this ten-day lead, there might be enough time to stop them, but we fear we're already too late. Let's just pray that the menace can be contained to Beverly Hills, where a strategic tear-gassing of Rodeo Drive might keep the fashion-damaged to a minimum.

Another Friday waiting for happy hour to begin - another fashion evil lurking in the wings...the rabbit-fur mukluk boot. People magazine claims the $395 boots are already a huge hit across the pond and adorning the feet of Gwyneth and Kate Moss. They are apparently shipping on August 30th. That means we have 10 whole days before the Eskimo chic look hits the street. We thought Uggs were bad - these are worse. The fur pom-pom ties on the side are just wrong...please make it stop.