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Someone claiming to be "Zack" Braff offers an explanation for the behavior that offended the disgruntled Craigslist poster who penned an open letter to the Scrubs star last week. Perhaps this writer doesn't mean to mislead us and has just spent so much time "medicating his glaucoma" that he actually believes he's Zach Braff? We'd buy that. We once did so much coke in a 24-hour period that we thought we were both Olsen Twins running a three-legged race. But that's a story for another time.

Hi. It's me, Zack.[sic] Here to defend myself after my publicist called me. This can all be easily explained. I was at that party and yes I was in the bathroom for a long time. Partly because I had some bowel problems but also yes that smell you smelled was pot, weed, the big green one but I was only taking it for my glaucoma.

If you also saw me sniffing that was my nasal spray. I have a sinus infection. The trashy girl with me was my live in nurse. She also adminstered eye drops which dialated my eyes so I really couldn't see so I had to follow her around the party. As for us making out, I have a tonsillitis and she left all her tongue depressors at home. She have to improvise and use her tongue which does have over 2000 nerve endings. The truth is I'm just an old man in a young man's body. I hope this clears some things up. To all my fans: Please keep going to see my movie, Garden State. The millions I made from that plus the couple of hundred thousand I make per episode on Scrubs barely covers my medical bills. I only PLAY a doctor on TV. And in case you were wondering, I did put all my medical conditions in my autobiographical movie but the studio execs cut it. They thought it was too big of a downer.