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A reader sends us another report of where local restaurants draw their star-fucking lines. This time, Beverly Hills lox pusher Nate 'N Al's demonstrates that they're not going to hurriedly bus a table for a B-lister just because his daddy was in The Godfather.

Saturday morning trying to nosh at Nate 'N Als and waiting a respectable 10 minutes for a table. Ocean's Eleven redneck and American Outlaws redneck Scott Caan rolled in with an "entourage" of one nondescript chubby dude. To his credit, he didn't jump the line but did pace back and forth near the front of the eatery hoping to be recognized in his Von Dutchesque jeans and tee getup. Recognition Plan A failed so he then sat on the lap of a girl at a booth, whom he apparently knew—needless to say her hipster boyfriend was pretty surprised. To sum it up, as my dining companion so aptly queried, "Where does Scott Caan go from here?"

To fetch a printout of his IMDB listing to prove he's in a movie with George Clooney?