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The NYT spends "A Night Out With" Ellen DeGeneres and her partner, Alexandra Hedison, and discovers that Hollywood Power Lesbians Are Just Like Us! Being gay doesn't necessarily free DeGeneres from the problems of her straight, mansion-dwelling neighbors in the Hollywood Hills, such as having a trophy girlfriend that "dabbles" in acting/directing/photography to give the appearance that she's not sitting back on her rich meal-ticket's huge piles of cash, wasting her days tanning by the pool:

There are those who would argue that Ms. Hedison no longer needs an income — after all, doesn't Ms. DeGeneres have a job? "I'd have to be Oprah to compete with her," Ms. Hedison said, laughing yet making it plain that she is not someone who would be happy living off a famous partner. "Hey, I admit that there are times that I can't get a reservation at a hot restaurant unless I mention that it's for me and Ellen. But I have to do my photography because that's my work and it makes me so happy."