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A reader saw our post about Owen Wilson's preferential treatment at Houston's in Century City and wants to set the record straight about that eatery's celebrity-coddling policy: It takes "star quality" to cut the line. Not so fast, Jennifer Love Hewitt!

I just read your post about Houston's. I would like to inform all the readers of Defamer and patrons of Houston's that there is actually a "star hierarchy" in place at the restaurant, and not just any "castmember from Zoolander" can cruise on in to a table.

Case in point was when I was at the same Houston's in Century City waiting for my table and in walks Jennifer Love Hewitt and Stephen Dorff. They asked for a table and the hostess told them there would be a 30 minute wait. Upon hearing this, J. Love uttered the classic "Don't you know who I am?!?!" Yes, and you still have to wait was the reply. Stephen Dorff muttered something and then they both stormed out.

See, only castmembers from Starsky and Hutch get A-list treatment at Houston's.

We'd like to point out that the Houston's representative's behavior did not in fact threaten the established social order, which is our primary fear about the idealistic banishing of celebrity-favoring policies. Stephen Dorff is not technically "famous," and therefore not entitled to any star perks, except perhaps serving as the butt of the odd Punk'd stunt in a slow week.