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Defamer continues its mission to bring together Hollywood's hottest stars and their most ardent Craigslist-posting fans. Today, we spotlight a Missed Connection authored by a former booster of goofy TV doctor/budding indie auteur Zach Braff in hopes that a reconciliation can be worked out. Allow Zach to play you "The New Slang" on some big headphones, Anonymous, and let the healing begin.

You showed up unexpectedly at the party, I have no idea who you knew that lived there. A friend ran up to tell me, knowing how much I admired your work and how wonderful I though the relationship you had with your girlfriend was. I went downstairs looking for the opportunity to tell you how much I enjoyed "Garden State", but what did I find... three locked doors.

Fifteen minutes later you emerged, disheveled and ashamed (and I believe high on something) with a little blond girl - the street walker looking type, who had been slinking around the party all night. I CAN'T BELIEVE you would be such a man-whore, he-bitch who would cheat on his girlfriend with SOMETHING so typical and slutty, after proclaiming how your film is so autobiographical. I guess that character was you back then, before you defected from the world of the arts and morals (not an oxymoron) and into the Hollywood slime pit.

Now I pity you. Good luck with your life - you'll need it.