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The Defamer correspondent on Barely Pubescent Real Estate Buys weighs in on our earlier mention of Frankie Muniz's recent adventures in escrow. It should be noted that a) driving while intoxicated is illegal, if occasionally a surprisingly fun diversion from being young and rich enough to buy off the cop with the Breathalyzer, and b) Agent Cody Car Collector is a mere 18 years old and unable to legally purchase alcohol in any of Los Angeles's fine drinking establishments, even the ones that let him in the back door and pretend there's such a thing as a "virgin" bottle of Cristal.

That annoying Malcom kid's new house is some lame "modern" fresh remodel up Sunset Plaza Drive I saw three weeks ago. Flash over substance. So now he can drive one of those speedy cars (there is no way a 356 speedster cost that kid $250K, unless he's a moron.) drunk back up the hill after getting liquored up on a Friday night. It's a shame Dublin's closed. It would have been the perfect cheese palace for him to score tail. Now he'll have to drive drunk from the Spider Club all the way across Hollywood. Maybe he'll crash into something fun, which happens at least once a weekend in that hood. A well known party-boy (non-famous) smashed his $100K CL 500 into a neighbor of the Muniz kid's house two weeks ago.