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Blogger Sean Bonner advocates stepping up the war against Ugg boots from Quietly Sneering In Derision to Outright Heckling:

Driving home from the gallery today took us right past the X-Games at the Staples center, Caryn and I were in our car and with the air ON FULL blast. Why? Because it's satanically hot outside today. The gauge in the car says 90 but it feels a lot hotter. There were people blocking the sun with anything they could and hiding in the shade cast by trash cans. We were at a stop waiting for the green light and there were girls left and right in small tank tops, short skirts and fur lined fucking ski boots.


It was right then and there I decided to no longer sit complacent. From now on when I see this kind of behavior I'm going to outright heckle these people. Point, laugh, ask them how their ski trip was, whatever it takes.

It's still a less severe solution than our plan for grabbing the offensive, furry things off any momentarily vulnerable fashion victim's foot and breaking into a dead sprint, but it's a start. Defamer also advocates surgical intervention for those who insist on wearing the boots in the middle of a heat wave. No, we're not ready for sterilization—the vodka-Red Bulls, cigarettes, and smog will take care of that—just a little Botox injection to the feet. If we have to look at Uggs, we're certainly not going to put up with the smell of rotting pedicures.