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Recently pube-sprouting superspy Agent Cody Banks is hawking his "Westside" house for $6 million and buying a nearby place for another four mil, according to the LAT Hot Property column. Frankie Muniz is 18 [Ed. note—18? Is he missing a kidney?] and already on his second home (at least).

Normally, we'd swallow down the bile and say "Enjoy the city views from the pool area," but then we were helpfully reminded that "Muniz was known as a car collector almost before he was old enough to drive." Anyone else remember how Frankie whined about how the vintage Porsche that the Punk'd crew pretended to lose at a valet stand was worth a quarter of a million dollars? We do, so we're off to run a warm bath and dig through the junk drawer for a rusty razor blade.

Bonus from Hot Property: Paris Hilton's folks farted out $10 million for a cozy place in Bel Air, where they can be closer to their reality show interests and the daughter that's made them so proud.