· MATT DRUDGE!!! announces that former tennis star John McEnroe's CNBC show pulled a 0.0 rating last night with 37,000 households tuning in — if ol' McEnroe really did get paid a million bucks, maths The Drudge, it's the equivalent of NBC paying each household 27 bucks.
· 300 kilos of cocaine get stopped on its way to our beloved city. Aww, suckass. [The Officer]
· "Fatties of the US Fight Back!" [The Australian]
· Anti-Fox News documentary "Outfoxed" earns a cinematic release, but you can be sure that Rupert Murdoch's 20th Century Fox Films won't be handling the distribution. [BBC]
· Gossip is losing its hold as a "media staple"! What are you doing here, then? [AdAge (reg. req'd)]