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The convention's over, our stars are on their way home, and the THR sums it all up by telling us something painfully obvious: The Dems are down with starfucking. There's plenty of room in that big tent of theirs for Hollywood and its piles of cash. We'd say a "big rubber' that slips snugly over the entertainment industry would be a more apt metaphor, but the party's been riding Hollywood bareback for the duration of the DNC.

Ben Affleck, who to our dismay did not deliver a final benediction after John Kerry's speech last night, defended celebrity bonafides within the party; he knows celeb cash is just as green as other liberals':

"You have to know your place. Star power may hurt, but it can help too. A big-name celebrity can highlight the importance of a cause, and since most successful celebrities are rich and have rich friends, they can bring in cash. Our biggest contribution is our fund-raising power, frankly."

It's OK, Ben, if they just love you for your money; they're letting you and Cusack take a spin with the potential first daughters. Democrats starfucking and stars fucking Democrats. It's a beautiful symmetry.

Come on home, everyone. LA's felt so empty this week without you.