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Local writer Kate Sullivan blogs about a nightmare interview she recently conducted with pneumatic self-abuse enabler Pamela Anderson and photographer David LaChappelle, Note to potential interviewers: Don't use the word "camp" around LaChappelle; he seems a tad sensitive about the belittling of his utterly non-campy recreations of scenes from Flashdance.

i happened to catch these two divas on a strange night when she was totally manic and stir-crazy and he was exhausted, and they let me have it. apparently i'd offended her somehow at the start of the interview, and from that point, nothing i said was right, to her. everything i said she sort of said back to me as a question. i made the mistake of calling his photography "camp," and this opened a hornet's nest of nastiness. they ended up calling me a bitch and a cunt, as a "joke"—-"you have to understand his humor," someone said.

i've never been called a cunt by an interviewee before. this was a first for me. also, i noticed pamela anderson needed to be the center of attention — when someone started asking me about myself, she interrupted to ask if they had any makeup. "do you have any makeup? can you do my makeup? i did my makeup myself. does that mean i'm not famous anymore?"

Nope, Pam, you're not famous anymore. But do give us a call when you get those things re-inflated. We can still see your neck.