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Every high-profile celebrity stalker trial needs a little comic relief from all of that dreary "the bitch will be shredded to pieces like Sharon Tate" and "See ya at the funeral" talk. The prosecutor in the Dawnette Knight case (she's the alleged stalker on trial for multiple death-threats to Catherine Zeta-Jones) throws in this laugh line to get some yuks from the jury box, which probably contains a couple of agents and producers looking to cast the lead in a Ally McBealish lawyer show:

Knight has written a letter apologizing to the couple and said she would never have harmed anyone. Her lawyer, Richard Herman, asked Douglas if he knew that female stalkers were seldom violent.

At that point, prosecutor Debra Archuleta said, "Isn't that the premise of a movie called 'Fatal Attraction?"'

In the day's only light moment, the packed court burst into laughter and Douglas smiled wryly at the mention of one of his best-known films, about a woman murderously obsessed with a married man.

Can't wait to see what she comes up with for her closing argument, but we hear she's consulting with Carrot Top on the effective combination of a giant prop knife and a bottle of ketchup.

UPDATE: Funny business continues and trial delayed as harmless, alleged stalker downs pills and takes a nap in her jail cell.