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The August issue of Details takes a look at the post-Fleiss era in Hollywood's prostitution game. The new hookers are hotter, nastier, much more expensive, internet-savvy (why would your agent risk getting popped by a vice cop on Sunset) and the johns largely drug-free. Less surprising: Many type-A power-players like to get beaten up and pissed on (sometimes at parties, in front of their friends), hire hookers to do things that make your typical credit-climbing mactress blush, and industry types sometimes sneak in a whirl with a call-girl during business hours. Whatever. If William Morris or CAA didn't want people fucking on the job, they'd lock the doors to the janitorial closets and take away everyone's expense accounts. We predict a backlash-fueled return to the sepia-toned days of crispy-haired pros, salad bowls full of blow, and guys who can't stop talking about their Ferraris long enough to get hard.