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Yesterday, we remaindered a link to this story on a Czech website about Elijah Wood's nights on the town in Prague, where he's shooting the movie adaptation of annoyingly precocious novel Everything Is Illuminated. A helpful reader translates the captions of the pictures accompanying the story. (Obviously, we have no idea which caption goes with which photo, but half the fun is figuring it out.) Young Hollywood really knows how to turn the motherfucking party out in former Soviet bloc cities! Photos here, here, and here.

—"Since most of the present didn't know how to pronounce his name, they address the actor as 'Frodo'."
—"Elijah Wood really likes striped shirts, which he wore every day and only changed the colors of the stripes."
—"When meeting Ivana Machackove he only wondered why all these Czech women were taller than him."