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We asked for your guesses as to the identity of this "mystery" boy band's Craigslist plea for a booking agent. The clues were basically "early 90s" and "Grammy-winning," but you took those meager breadcrumbs and baked them into a marvelous cake of conjecture. Most of you guessed the group on the verge of a massive comeback is All-4-One, whose Grammy-winning single "I Swear" has reliably served as the background music of countless fumbling, post-prom sexual encounters for the last decade. One of your reminisced about the "I Swear" video, in which "the band members kick around a cardboard box on the roof of a tenement." We're going to guess that if one of them kicks around the box these days he's banished to the worst spot in front of the flaming garbage can.

A few others thought it might be Boyz II Men, who have apparently fallen on some hard times in the post-"Motownphilly" era—they're playing a corporate gig at Circuit City tomorrow in Virginia. Couldn't they at least have held out for Best Buy?

Others receiving votes: Take 6, New Kids on the Block [Ed. note—Please, they're wiping their boy-band bums with million dollar bills.], and Wendy's Jack in the Box pitchmen Meaty Cheesy Boys, who we're pretty sure did not actually win a Grammy.