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Exactly one week ago, when we remarked that the indie-rock havens of the East Side was under imminent attack by something called "Hollywood," we were rebuked and assured of Adam Goldberg and Christina Ricci's hipster bona fides. Well, how can we put this delicately? Suck it. Unless you've got a guitar in your hand, accepting a VIP pass and lurking around backstage (at the Wiltern!) sure smells like the flushing away of your indie cred (not that we've ever had any, we know we're big fucking poseurs).

I saw Christina Ricci and the Hebrew Hammer [Ed.note—Adam Goldberg] last night at the Modest Mouse/Walkmen show at the Wiltern. It was too dark for phonecamming, but they were hanging out VIP STYLES, YO in the backstage area behind the venue. They're at all the high-profile indie-rock shows.