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The newly-appointed Defamer correspondent on the Taxonomy of Ugly, Pointless Fashion Trends sets the record straight on Xeni's encounter with heinous Marc Jacobs boots:

Not to be picky...but the Marc Jacob boots are not Uggs, they are clearly couture versions of MoonBoots. I saw them in Scoop last weekend and nearly vomited.

I got my moon boots in Switzerland a couple years back and absolutely love them, and loved that I could tromp around LA and New York and no one else had them. Now with these fucking versions I'm going to have to trash mine. Why do things I love have to become trendy? Real MoonBoots, by the way, are kick ass for keeping your feet warm in the snow. I'd love to see the MJ ones try.

Indeed. Should an environmental cataclysm blanket the West Side in snow, the miniskirted-but-MoonBooted's pedicures will be saved, while the miniskirted-but-Ugg'd's toenails will fall into tragic disrepair. Defamer regrets the error, if we made one. We're awfully confused, but we think that now we've got twice as many targets for our summer anti-boot crusade.