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Wizbang deconstructs the battle plan of former Survivor contestant/VH1 host Jenna Lewis once her sex video showed up for sale on the internet. [Ed.note—Lewis is steadfastly C-list. She couldn't get on the B-list if she was filmed giving Vin Diesel a reacharound.]

You are a B-list celebrity... A wedding night porn video of you has just hit the Internet, and now you are expected to go into damage control mode. Some wonder whether you secretly engineered the release. How should your PR firm respond?

1. Issue a press release weeks after the video debuts.

2. Make sure everyone knows that you are not happy about the video appearing on the Internet.

3. Plug the site carrying the video that you are "fighting mad" over.

Naturally, if you're an A-list celebrity in a boring, harmless titty video, your first move is to send scary cease-and-desist letters. Actually, that's probably your third move, after beating your assistant and lighting fifties on fire just to see if they make green smoke.