Martha Stewart Omnimedia: Sentencing "Gathering" Areas
Tomorrow morning, as Martha Stewart gets sentenced, her staff will be there in spirit — in specially organized "gathering" areas at Martha Stewart Omnimedia offices. We actually feel bad posting this memo, but we just don't know how to leave a tender moment alone. Hey, they're serving breakfast! We'll stop by, okay?
Martha's broker, Peter Bacanovic, is getting sentenced tomorrow too — where's his memo of support? Where are the masses weeping and watching TV together? Hello? Yeah, we didn't think so.
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:16:53 EDT To: All MSO Employees
This is to let you know that, reflecting a desire for a supportive and united
MSO, we have created "gathering" areas for those of you who wish to be
together with other colleagues as we learn the outcome of Martha's sentencing
proceedings scheduled from 10:00AM to noon.The MSO gathering areas — all of which will have a television — will be open
starting at 9:30 am in the following locations:- 42nd Street
· 23rd Floor: Human Resources Conference Room
· 23rd Floor Conference Room
· 24th Floor: Art Department Outside the EF kitchen
· 25th Floor: 25th Floor big Conference Room- Starrett
· East Lounge
· West Lounge· Westport Studio: Outside the Bull Pen
Executive managers will be available in all locations. Breakfast will also
be available.