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BoingBoing points us to this Joi Ito phonecam shot of Disney CEO/Mickey Mouse activewear mannequin Michael Eisner at the Fortune magazine Brainstorm 2004 conference. Ito blogs that Eisner admits to liking Fahrenheit 9/11, despite blocking its release by Disney. We're more interested in what he's doing (with what looks like a cellphone) instead of paying attention. Defamer's digital descramblers intercepted his chat session:

BigMike9Inches: im totally wearing your shirt
MickeyMouseIM: gr8
BigMike9Inches: what r u wearing
MickeyMouseIM: u know red shorts no shirt white gloves
BigMike9Inches: v. hott
MickeyMouseIM: always the same silly
BigMike9Inches: ill get them to draw u whatever u want
MickeyMouseIM: how about they draw me some junk finally
BigMike9Inches: never u r perfect and smooth forever
MickeyMouseIM: sigh