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Readers instantly and vociferously call bullshit on the MySpace profiles of alleged dreamy-eyed hacker Jake Gyllenhaal and cybering gal pal Kirsten Dunst. Among the couple's meat-space giveaways are being "pretentious" (Jake) and short (Kirsten). Comments like these are precisely why we gave up our million-dollar film career for the perfection of cyberspace.

It's too self-aware. It smacks of someone attempting to write in a voice so "normal" that people would buy it. Come on, you've heard Jake G. (like I'm gonna attempt to spell it) talk. He's awesomely pretentious.

Also unconvinced:

If you're looking for a second, third, forth, whatever opinion on possible fakeness: I know I've seen the Jake-Gyllenhaal-with-cops photo in US Weekly or People, and the other photos look like paparazzi as well. I saw Kirsten Dunst at The Grove 2 days in a row. I'm 5'7". That girl is not 5'7", even in lying celebrity terms. I'd say she's maybe 5'4". She did costar with Tobey Maguire after all.