Martha Stewart Sentencing: The Other Mrs. Stewart
As Martha starts planning her outfit for Friday's sentencing (trust me, that's a bitch to dress for), someone's still trying to trash-talk her. An anonymous source claims that Martha's ex's current wife sent a letter to the judge:
In the three-page document sent to the judges office on June 25, Ms. Fairclough pleads with the judge to put Martha away, sighting [sic] the fact that she has often feared for the well being of her children, and herself. Fairclough further insists that jail time for Martha might mean that Alexis and her estranged father, Andrew Stewart, might be able to reconcile without the constant interference by the disgraced diva.
Nasty if it's true — maybe even nastier if it's untrue.
Martha Gets Badmouthed By the Other Mrs. Stewart [E! Message Boards]