Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Leo's Carousel Love

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the famous know you're always watching them shop, eat, and travel on commercial airlines.
In today's episode. Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele about to screw on the luggage carousel, Paris and Nicky Hilton cross the street without any apparent help, Ashton Kutcher filmed in a cab, Lara Flynn Boyle keeping her skin healthy by avoiding coffee shop food, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Paula Abdul, Frankie Muniz hanging with bodyguards who ignore his adolescent skin problems, Christian Slater and wife pushing a stroller, Backstreet Boy AJ McLean, and a rude Corey Feldman.
- Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Baggage Carousel Special Edition [Defamer]
- Hollywood PrivacyWatch: More Celebs Than You Can Run Over In An SUV [Defamer]
· A-List sighting: At LAX, supermodel Gisele and Leonardo DiCaprio. You'd think they would have had enough of each other's company already having shared a flight together but noooooooooooo, they couldn't keep their hands off each other at the luggage carousel. [Ed.note—For more PrivacyWatch baggage carousel action, see this entry.]
· I saw Paris and Nicky Hilton together in Beverly Hills Saturday afternoon around 4:30. They were waiting to diagonally cross the Brighton Way/Rodeo intersection. Paris was wearing the usual short skirt, in green, and matching top. Nicky looked more striking with her dark hair and white sunglasses. There was some blond guy walking behind them but I couldn't tell if he was with them or just following too close. When the light changed all the people standing around pretending not to stare also didn't notice they could start crossing the street.
· In Pasadena, saw Ashton Kutcher being filmed in the back of a taxi cab. From my view his hair was totally cut off, short and spiky.
· Saw Lara Flynn Boyle at Swingers last friday night. She was as petite and small framed as I expected. Her skin looked absolutely amazing in front of the Swingers "souvenir carousel" near the jukebox. All she ordered was a chai latte. That same night, Keenan Ivory Wayans sat at a table next to us. I can't wait to see "White Chicks"!
· Recently I was going through security in Terminal 1 of LAX (Southwest, America West, US Air) when I noticed tiny Paula Abdul hiding in the corner, her face all but obscured by her cell phone. She wearing pink and looked cuter than I expected, although somewhat annoyed. Perhaps because she was flying Southwest?
· I was having lunch at the food court at the Beverly Center Saturday, and almost lost my appetite when wee little Frankie Muniz walked by with two bodyguard-looking guys, one of whom was eating an ice cream cone. The poor kid looked bad: exhausted, and covered in really bad acne. Proactiv Solution, Frankie. Proactiv solution.
· Christian Slater and wife Ryan Haddon whiled away another sunny Sunday of total cultural irrelevance by pushing their child's stroller around the Beverly Hills High School neighborhood. She was fugging it up in a tank top that showed off her bra straps and the kind of pants that are too long to be capris and too short to be... well, pants, and he was plodding along being vertically challenged. They didn't appear to be speaking, but neither did she appear to be beating and/or bludgeoning him, so I guess that's a victory.
· AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys, chowing down with a pretty brunette at Marie Callendars on Wilshire. AJ, looking crusty, unwashed and a little bloated was keeping it real in a knit cap and T-shirt with the arms torn out to show off his tats. AJ better lay off those pies if he knows what's good for him. The only thing worse than a has-been boy band member is a FAT has-been boy band member.
· Getting my morning coffee at Starbucks on Laurel Cyn in Studio City, I held the door for someone with their hands full of coffee and paper. No acknowledgement. Shame on you, Corey Feldman! (or is it Haim - I STILL get 'em mixed up. No, it was Feldman.) Small, "fey" is actually the word. He looked befuddled, but not in a druggy way. Sat in his Toyota SUV in front of S'bucks reading the paper.