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We can all breathe a little easier now and finally let down our guards against the evil eye. Kabbalah is officially over. Yesterday, MSNBC's Jeannette Walls (undoubtedly to the chagrin of Kabbalah Centre elders) let it slip that peripheral OJ Simpson trial figure Faye Resnick has been spotted skulking around the Centre in LA. Z-Listers mentioned in Kabbalah-related gossip item: Trend on life support.

Finishing off the "inclusionary spiritual inspiration society" that keeps Madonna from making unwatchable movies with her husband is today's NYT's article on hot, Kabbalah-inspired fashions. NYT trend piece quoting celeb-fucking LA boutique owner that features a quote summing up a fad's appeal ("The bracelet has been huge for us...It's all about, `I've got to wear what the celebrity has.'"): Trend murdered in its sleep with an apple corer.