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The newly-appointed Defamer Correspondent on Synchronous Liberal Events writes in to discuss the traffic implications of the Clinton book signing and the simultaneous release of Fahrenheit 9/11:

Bill Clinton is scheduled to sign copies of his autobiography/bookshop on Friday at Brentano's in the Century City mall. Opening at the movie-plex into which Brentano's is nestled: "Fahrenheit 9/11".

While I'd probably be greatly amused as I observed my fellow lefties getting into honking matches in the parking structure and physical scuffles over patio footage, I think I'm going to arrange to be as far away as possible. The combination of the convergence, the construction on Santa Monica Blvd., and the realities of that particular stretch of Santa Monica Blvd. will probably have traffic reporters recommending that people take the freeway instead.

It seems to us that mischief-making Republicans could leave Hollywood liberals pounding the steering wheels of their hybrid vehicles by piloting their H2s onto Santa Monica Blvd. and snarling traffic for miles. Of course, everyone would slowly starve to death before abandoning their cars in the catacylsmic gridlock, but that's more of a problem for the sanitation department.