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Today at Defamer, we take our mission of bringing you the A-list of celebrity trash to a ridiculously literal extreme. After showing you what ends up in Larry King's Hefty Steel-Sacks, we now bring you Sean Penn's somewhat disappointing detritus, courtesy of an anonymous source who attended the "Star Trash" art installation in NYC: some Budweiser bottles, a pack of Dunhills, the odd rat trap (click the picture to get a better look).

No press clippings of ex-wife Madonna's Kabbalah antics, with little mustaches and pubes drawn in? Did his publicist sanitize his garbage to project an image of the actor as just a regular, Bud-sippin', McDonald's eatin' dude? The only eyebrow-raiser in the bunch is an ancient flyer from the Malibu Democratic Club urging the reelection of Bill Clinton and Al Gore (a close-up is after the jump). Either this garbage is really old, or Penn is finally letting go of the past.

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