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LA Weekly "Deadline Hollywood" columnist Nikki Finke persists in being the bane of besieged Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's dapper existence. In this week's column, Finke adds a few tidbits to the disappointing non-scandal: Clinton flack Dee-Dee Myers' supposed suggestion that Carter hire a crisis manager to ride out the Scandal Lite, and a paranoid fantasy that a "Republican operative" is trying to take him down. (That "operative" turned out to be a literary agent at Endeavor, so perhaps Carter should fear him for a different reason.) Really, you need to read the column, in which Finke also recounts how a NYT Washington reporter calls her a "cunt" for continuing to sniff around Carter. Whew. You'd think they'd be a tad more demure about what's under the Gray Lady's granny panties.