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Perhaps our favorite Craigslist post of all time, entitled "Need help selling celeb porn tape":

I'm kinda unsure how to do this being a "county boy" but I have a tape shot of me and Britney Spears and I was wondering if anyone in the big city of LA would know who I could sell it to. I need the money and she dosn't [sic] even talk to me anymore, thanks a lot.

this is in or around Kentwood, LA

Whatever brief amusement that we derive from some local prankster with suspect spelling abilities is certainly tempered by our crazy hope that somewhere, out in this great world of ours, there exists a video of Britney Spears riding some yokel like a tractor.

UPDATE: The post has been deleted. Luckily, the full text of the post is preserved above, but emails to the anonymous Craigslist address will bounce back. Now I suppose we'll never know if he really had that tape...

See also: Britney Spears Spotted In Dublin.