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Yes, we noted on Friday, the Olsen Twins turned a barely-legal 18 this weekend. And, as we'd feared, America's perverts surely had all the anticlimaxes they could handle to file-shared versions of New York Minute, freed at last from the statutory masturbatory fantasy authorities. Luckily, Yankee Pot Roast's Josh Abraham commemorated the occasion aptly, with a mini passion-play starring the Twins and tiny thumbnails of their high school yearbook photos. We can't keep them straight, so the following excerpt runs without the proper dialogue attributions or line breaks; surprisingly, this adds a strange, lyrical quality to the proceedings:

I can’t believe we’re finally eighteen. : I feel like a grown-up! : I feel the same. : Oh, my God, me too! What should we do first? : That guy from Maxim’s been calling for days. [...] : It’s too bad we can’t buy cocaine until we’re 21. : I think you’ve got a learning disability and an eating disorder [...] : Shut up, Mary-Kate! You’re retarded! : You’re Mary-Kate! : No, you are!