Monday Morning Box Office: Garfield Begins Its March To Hell

These are the numbers that allow a grieving nation a chance to move on:
1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban — $35.1 million
Depending on whom you believe, Potter either put the Wives in their place, fended off Riddick, cast his spell, or lost his potency. After dropping off about $57 million from its huge opening weekend, maybe Harry's wand blew its magic load a little early.
2. The Chronicles of Riddick — $24.6 million
The pitch: It's A Man Apart in space, but everyone still thinks the anti-hero is gay.
3. Shrek 2 — $24 million
Hey, kids! Choose one word from group A and one word from group B to create your own ShrekRoundup!
Group A: Ogre. Group B: Cock.
4. The Stepford Wives — $22.2 million
Not quite the disaster that Paramount had been fearing. Give it a week, these things take time.
5. Garfield: The Movie — Honorary Reagan Memorial Box Office Take: $0.00
Garfield: The Movie actually finished in fifth place this weekend. In our last attempt at tribute to fallen former president Ronald Reagan, we refuse to disclose the actual box office take. You're welcome, Ronnie. Rest in peace knowing you will never see anyone connected with this film with you in heaven.