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From the We Couldn't Make This Shit Up Department: Orange County officials are considering a plan to rename John Wayne Airport "The O.C. Airport, John Wayne Field." Yes, in honor of The O.C., which a member of the county tourism braintrust lauds as "a truly great publicity vehicle." (God, too many obvious jokes. Will every flight end in a party and a fight where someone winds up in the pool?)

Listen, The O.C.... We realize you, the vast suburban wasteland to our south, have a pretty profound inferiority complex. You're probably just acting out. But is getting loaded and letting Fox stick its big, hairy marketing cock up your ass really going to solve anything? They'll just leave you in a couple of years, with nothing to show for the trouble but an inability to sit down without acute pain, and a bunch of typecast actors wondering your beaches, panhandling for film careers.