More On The eBay Script Seller

Remember, a few, long hours ago, when we told you about the failed writer who's selling his script on eBay? Through the incredible power of Defamer, that script has sold to Paramount Pictures for a million dollars!
Okay, not really.
As of this writing, It hasn't even gotten a bid. Mike Adamick, the entrepreneur behind the eBay script, wrote to tell us that both NPR and the Edmonton Journal interviewed him shortly after our post. How long can it be before the Defamer-induced feeding frenzy begins in the industry's power corridors, upsetting the delicate balance of the spec script market? No, we haven't read it, but neither will the guys who sign the checks. Hollywood assistants, scorch your bosses with the final latte you will ever fetch. Defamer is about to bring down the whole system!