We've talked about this before, people, but evidently some of the class needs a refresher course. A cranky luncher writes:

Here's a stalker sighting for you. Even though she is not a celebrity (in any country), [Marie-Claire editor-at-large] Lucy Sykes was chatting away like a monkey on crack on her cell phone during her ENTIRE lunch at Saint Ambroeus. It was more than offensive to listen to her gossip about her holiday plans, how [REDACTED MAN'S NAME] was late for a meeting and blah blah blah - somebody deport her please. The waiters had to apologize to all the patrons, she was THAT LOUD!

[UPDATE: More Sykes sightings! Says a stalker: "I saw Alice Sykes at Pastis this morning. She was looking radiantly hot and never touched her cellphone." Awww. Now if we can get sightings of sister Plum beating up reporters in London, and brother Tom smoking hand-rolled cigarettes at Soho House, we'll have a perfectly Sykesian day.]